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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Positive Psychology Empowers Change

Wellness entrepreneur and mind-body counselor and owner of SageMoi Coaching,  Margaret M. Antio has 25 years of experience in the wellness industry.  She has seen the changes possible when steps are planned and the focus is on the strengths people have already. “My mission is to have a positive impact and to foster and environment of respect and growth in the lives of my clients, students and staff.”

            Antio has run The Center Massage Yoga & Wellness Studio for more than 20 years, assisting and coaching clients and students in reclaiming and maintaining their good health for many years. She is Certified in Positive Psychology and Positive Psychology Coaching through the Wholebeing Institute.

            She says, “The connection between our physiology and psychology are directly linked, and it is what we call the mind-body connection.   In my career as a bodywork and yoga therapist, I have seen the benefits over and over.  In my coaching practice I have seen the benefits of mindfulness and intention.  My passion is working with clients in navigate change, realize goals and live their best life; emotionally and physically.” 

            She advises, “Change can be overwhelming, yet when clients see themselves taking carefully guided steps toward their intended outcomes, they are delighted to see that it is possible, and this inspires even more forward movement.”

            Antio states, “Working with a coach, and especially one that employs the tools of Positive Psychology, means building on your strengths and what is going well rather than bumping up against what is wrong. It is the difference between struggling with life or guiding the flow of it.

            Positive Psychology coaching differs from other forms of coaching in its focus on strengths. All seasoned coaches focus on personal strengths. However, Positive Psychology coaching offers a specific means for doing so that includes validated assessments and data. In other words, there is a strong focus on the research-driven tools of happiness.

            “In these trying times, many of us are facing uncertainty and transition. We need our balance now more than ever,” shares Antio. “There are steps that we can take toward a stronger foundation and it is more accessible than we may realize.”


For a free 30-minute consultation and more info, call 734-635-0561 or visit