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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Innovative Therapy for Brain Conditions

Northern Lights Chiropractic is now providing multisensory stimulation Clarity Chair treatments for those living with adverse brain conditions. This unique approach allows the brain to retrain itself and create new functional neural pathways. Patients that struggle with communication skills, focus and concentration, memory issues, learning and behavioral challenges, trauma to the brain and other symptoms of brain dysfunction can benefit.

            Dr. Ramona Pleva says, “Many treatments for brain dysfunction focus on one or two senses (i.e., visual and auditory). The Clarity Chair provides five types of sensory stimulation. These treatments are more cost-effective, efficient and productive than many other treatment options. The Clarity Chair is a passive, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive, non-medical treatment.”


Location: 510 Depot View Dr., Unit 13, Traverse City. For appointments and more information, call 231-668-5050 or visit