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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

The Grow Store Knows Hydroponics

The Grow Store, established in 2009, can help experienced growers and passionate horticulturists alike with supplies, new equipment and advice about which systems are best for hydroponics, the process of growing plants without soil. From water conservation, growth time and overall quality of the plants, hydroponics is growing in popularity because it is the perfect system for growing a thriving indoor garden.

            Owners Paul and Kim Watson say, “You can grow anywhere. You use 20 times less water than soil-based gardening. Your environment is sterile, which means no pesticides. You’ll use 20 percent less space for growing, too!” For advice on which planting solution is best or which climate control system is the most efficient, The Grow Store can help.

Location: 90 N. U.S. 31 S., Traverse City. For more information, call 231-421-5191, email [email protected] or visit