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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Michiganders and Beyond Gather for Revealing Health Conference

(L to R) Dr. Judy Mikovits, Rachel Cara & Dr. Bryan Ardis

Last month, the Soaring Eagle Convention Center, in Mt Pleasant, played host to the eagerly anticipated Eyes Wide Open 3.0 conference. The event, which drew a diverse crowd from Michigan and beyond, centered on the provocative theme; Who’s in Control, challenging conventional wisdom in the health sector.

Dr. Judy Mikovits, a renowned figure in health circles, delivered a compelling presentation on how illnesses can often be traced to cellular poisoning, a concept that captivated the audience. Similarly, Dr. Bryan Ardis enlightened attendees with his research on nicotine, revealing its lesser-known healing properties as found in various vegetables.

Adding to the wealth of knowledge were speakers like Michael McKibben, who delved into the historical control exerted by elites, and Dr. Ed Group, who addressed the toxin origins of diseases. Northern Michigan’s own Dr. Richard Olree shared insights on mineral protocols that aid in healing, further enriching the conference’s offerings.

“The truth about health is not as black and white as it’s often portrayed. This conference is a platform for shedding light on what’s really happening behind the scenes,” states Mikovits.

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