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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Leap into 2018


We are happy to invite you to join us in celebrating the magazine’s fresh, bold redesign introduced this month for 2018 and beyond. It’s all intended to serve you even better, from the new logo, snappy layout and larger graphics to the overall crisp look and feel aligned with the times. It represents the commitment of our high-energy publishing family to provide up-to-date content in a reader-friendly context.

As we step forward into a brand-new year, it’s a perfect time to renew our perspective on life and take hold of the promise and potential it brings. Find a new path, take a new journey… we create and direct our life, so why not do so with grace? The body we currently dwell in is an incredible vehicle; let’s make sure we take the time to compassionately connect with and tune into its promise and potential, as well.

Anyone aligned with the ethos of naturally healthy living is, like us, doubtlessly learning to stay flexible and alert as helpful opportunities arise. Knowing which actions bring good results versus those that can be harmful founds moral wisdom. We can remain mindful that our actions play out in karma, the law of action and consequence. John and I have found that when we find ourselves stressed and tense, it helps to transform our attitude, figuring out what desire or fear is causing the present anxiety. This month’s feature article by Lisa Marshall, “Dial Down Stress,” provides helpful insights and how-to tips for keeping our cool even in tough times. More, whenever we’ve taken it a step further to surrender control to a Higher Power, it opens the door to well-being, gratitude and grace. We love to pause and b-r-e-a-t-h-e. It unfailingly releases us from a worrisome situation, returns us to a place of serenity and expands our inner peace.

Beginning with the first breath and thought when we awaken each morning, let us all envision the kind of world we want to live in and align all our thoughts, words and actions with our intention. Just take it one breath and one thought at a time… mindfully, calmly, lovingly.

To your best year ever,

Trina and John Voell III, Publishers