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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

10 Common Symptoms of Mold Biotoxin Illness

Mold biotoxin illness (CIRS, or chronic inflammatory response syndrome) is caused by prolonged exposure to mold and mold spore biotoxins. Some people have genes that prevent their bodies from being able to recognize and eliminate these biotoxins. This then triggers a systemic inflammatory response that results in CIRS.

The 10 most-common symptoms include chronic fatigue, persistent cough, allergies, asthma,  skin issues,  sensitivity to chemicals, muscle cramps and aches, headaches, disorientation and lack of mental focus.

To begin healing from this illness, the cause has to be eliminated, and that is where a professional comes in. We don’t want to mix chemicals with mold or anyone going through CIRS could easily get worse, and that is why licensed specialists work with doctors that treat CIRS patients. Without using chemicals at all in any of their protocols, the specialists remove mold and mold root from the surfaces as well as treat, chemically free, any items in the home that the homeowner wants to keep that are able to be treated.

What we breathe is so important to our overall health and wellness. Making sure our home doesn’t have any mold which could inhibit that health is very important. Companies with independent mold-testing services and chemical-free services, have helped many people live much healthier lives.


MoldPro specializes in chemical-free mold testing and remediation in  Milan, MI,  serving SE MI and NW OH. For more information, call 734-439-8800, email [email protected] or visit and