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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Health Risks of Smart Meters Under Scrutiny: Growing Concerns Among Experts and Residents

Aug 30, 2024 09:31AM ● By Rachel Cara
Amid the widespread deployment of Smart Meters by utility companies across Michigan and the United States, mounting evidence from experts and affected individuals raises serious concerns about the potential health risks associated with these devices. Initially introduced as a technological convenience, Smart Meters wirelessly transmit energy usage data around the clock, a function that has evolved from monthly to continuous daily transmission. However, the implementation of these devices has sparked a significant debate over privacy, accuracy, and, more alarmingly, public health.

Since the introduction of Smart Meters by major Michigan utilities like DTE and Consumers Energy in 2016, reports of chronic health issues have surged. Many residents began experiencing symptoms such as autoimmune disorders, insomnia, rashes and headaches, with some directly correlating the onset of these conditions with the installation of Smart Meters on their homes. For others, the connection was only discovered after extensive and costly medical consultations, often with specialists unfamiliar with the potential impacts of low-level radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by these devices.

The assumption that non-ionizing radiation, like that from Smart Meters, is harmless has been challenged by decades of research. Pioneering studies by Dr. Leif Salford, a Swedish neurosurgeon, revealed that exposure to low-level RF radiation could cause leakage of the blood-brain barrier, a critical defense mechanism in the human body. Subsequent research conducted across six countries confirmed these findings, underscoring the potential dangers of continuous RF exposure.

Dr. David Carpenter, a prominent public health expert and Director of the Institute for Health & Environment at the University at Albany, testified before the Michigan Legislature, warning that the widespread use of Smart Meters could cause significant harm to human health. Carpenter’s peer-reviewed research, published in 2008, links low-level RF radiation to damage in the central nervous system, which in many cases leads to irreversible conditions known as Microwave Sickness or Electro-Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS). According to Carpenter, this condition could affect between 5 to 10 percent of the population.

Notable experts, including Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, author of Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, and Dr. Martin Pall, professor emeritus of biochemistry at Washington State University, have echoed these concerns. Pall’s research further connects RF exposure to chronic conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and bone density loss, contributing to an increase in osteoporosis diagnoses.

As Smart Meters become ubiquitous, many utility companies now offer an opt-out option, allowing customers to pay a fee for a non-transmitting digital meter. This alternative is increasingly popular among health-conscious individuals, offering not only peace of mind but also potential energy cost savings. For those seeking further protection, additional measures such as shielding the interior walls adjacent to Smart Meters or installing protective barriers against neighboring meters are also available.

Rachel Cara is owner of EMF Investigator, a leading service provider in the field, that offers comprehensive surveys to assess and mitigate wireless exposure in homes, helping residents safeguard their health in the face of pervasive wireless technology. Connect with her at