Aug 08, 2023 09:30AM
GENERAL LOGISTICS AT A GLANCE 1. Conference Program & Exhibitor Timeline FRIDAY THE 13TH - 12:00PM – 4:00PM Set up of Exhibitor Area Eastern Time
Jul 31, 2023 10:40AM
My Spa is open at 2512 Carpenter Road, Suite 101B, in Ann Arbor. Special pricing is available for all new and existing clients through September 30 with Elena Rea for skin care
The Great Greek Mediterranean Grille has opened at 3268 Ann Arbor-Saline Road, in Ann Arbor. They make all of the food in-house and offer a variety of customizable
Clark Professional Pharmacy is an independent community compounding pharmacy in business since 1980. For those looking to improve health through food,
The Garrett’s Space holistic healing residence for young adults 18 to 28 years old struggling with anxiety and depression has passed a rezoning application,
Enrollment is now open for fall and winter courses at Trinity School of Natural Health, a premier resource for holistic health education, with graduates
Jul 31, 2023 10:28AM
Ann Arbor has been recognized for its environmental leadership by the statewide Michigan Green Communities program. As part of the annual Michigan Green Communities
Jul 31, 2023 10:26AM
The nonprofit Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor was chartered on June 13, 1921, with 60 members. Their 100th anniversary celebration was postponed to this year
Jul 31, 2023 09:32AM
The kids are headed back to school, and because we all get ready to hit the mental reset button, our August issue is here to help—chock-full of great ideas to support a shift
Jul 31, 2023 09:31AM
Gary Merel, MS, LAc, CLC, will conduct a day-and-a-half Sacred Psilocybin Group Experience at 11 a.m., August 12 and 13 in Ann Arbor.
Natural Awakenings Ann Arbor
Natural Awakenings Detroit/Wayne