A Century of Kiwanis Community Service

The nonprofit Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor was chartered on June 13, 1921, with 60 members. Their 100th anniversary celebration was postponed to this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, Kiwanis clubs and members are helping children thrive, prosper and grow in nearly 80 countries.
The Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor is one of the largest Kiwanis clubs in Michigan; it operates the Kiwanis Thrift Sale and is open to men and women. Since 1921, proceeds from the sales have provided more than $10 million in grants, services and merchandise to children, families and individuals across the community.
Kiwanis supports the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital Child and Family Life Services Program in four children’s hospitals across Michigan. Members make an annual gift to the Kiwanis Michigan District to support the programs and contribute monthly into the “Mott Pott” to provide additional support to the Clement Child and Family life Services Program at the children’s hospital.
Club members and volunteers have a long history of supporting delivery of meals for the Meals On Wheels program distributed Monday through Friday each week. More than 6,509 meals are delivered each year. A voucher program invites social workers in the area to bring clients to the Kiwanis Center to shop for needed items at the Kiwanis Thrift Sale at no cost. A Warm The Children program provides new winter clothes to children.
The Kiwanis Thrift Sale is open for sales to the public on Fridays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 100 North Staebler Road. Kiwanis Environmental Education Preserve (KEEP) has set aside 72 acres next door for the development of an environmental education preserve as a future service project.
For more information, call 734-368-9738 or visit A2KiwanisFoundation.org.