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Natural Awakenings Healthy Living Magazine

Michigan for Vaccine Choice

Nonprofit Michigan for Vaccine Choice is dedicated to providing educational information about vaccinations, while supporting individuals and parents to make vaccine decisions in Michigan. Michigan is one of only 17 states that continues to support the right of parents and individuals to make their own vaccination choices, although that right is threatened.

 It is the opinion of this group that mandatory medicine removes the right of individuals to opt out of vaccination and other medical interventions should they determine that those interventions are not in their or their child’s best interest. Congress acknowledges that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe” in the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. Moreover, a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine without any long-term safety data renders the men, women and children that receive the vaccine as a part of a mass human experiment, with the only real safety trials coming via the post-marketing surveillance of adverse effects; this goes against medical ethical principles and further demonstrates the need for full informed consent prior to vaccination.

 For more information, call 586-447-2418 or visit