Arts for All Has a Heart Art Mart at New Location
Nonprofit Arts for All of Northern Michigan, providing arts and cultural experiences to connect people of all abilities, has a new studio location at 1485 Barlow Street, in Traverse City. Their Have A Heart Art Mart will be held from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., November 4, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., November 5, and noon to 4 p.m., November 6. Attendees can shop for handmade and locally made gifts, to support artists, Arts for All and arts education. The Real Estate One Charitable Foundation is making a 50 percent matching donation on all sales.
Executive Director Valeri McCarthy says, “The arts are more than a source of entertainment and pleasure; they are an exceptionally powerful tool for learning. Studies show that music improves mathematical abilities. Dance enhances spatial awareness and motor skills. Drama promotes communication and provides emotional release. The visual arts encourage decision-making and nurture sensitivity, while creative writing increases verbal skills and engages imaginative effort.”
Admission and parking are free. For more information, visit