Micronutrient and Food Sensitivity Testing

Ann Hughes, M.D., owner of Dr. Hughes’s Holistic Wellness Center, provides integrative medicine and family medicine. She says, “With our micronutrient and food sensitivity testing, we can determine what foods best serve you in your quest for health. Nutritional imbalances are rampant in our society. Current medical therapies, poor lifestyle choices and nutrient-depleted food sources all contribute to hidden nutritional deficiencies. Each of us are unique individuals and therefore require unique nutrition. Whether you are suffering from food allergies, chronic illness or simply want to understand the current state of your health, nutritional testing services can provide valuable insights about how the foods you eat are affecting your body.”
Initial visits are 90 minutes. A thorough evaluation includes the assessment of family history, past medical history, current medical problems, risk factors for preventable diseases, nutritional history, toxic substance exposure history, history of current symptoms and a physical examination. Hughes then offers recommendations for individualized diagnostic testing and treatment options.
Location: 4343 Concourse Dr., Ste. 170, Ann Arbor. For appointments and more information, call 734-905-0318 or visit DrHughesHolisticCenter.com.