To Mow or Not to Mow

No Mow May 2.0 encourages residents to let lawns grow from six to 12 inches tall. The city of Ann Arbor recognizes that bees and other pollinators are integral to the propagation of plants to grow a wide diversity of essential foods including fruits, nuts and vegetables. Not mowing lawns would allow for early-season emergence and maturation among beneficial insects. This is a voluntary program for homeowners to take part in. It also reduces emissions from gas-powered mowers, increases the effectiveness of green space and reduces noise pollution.
City council member Dharma Akmon says, “Pollinator populations are in decline around the world due to habitat loss, alteration, fragmentation, as well as pesticides. The state of Michigan alone has seen a 61 percent drop in its bee population over the span of 15 years, so it is really important that we all act in ways that we can to protect pollinators.”
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